June 2023: Global Link at 3rd Athens ESG Forum We had the privilege of presenting a large scale integrated project on corporate perceptions and attitudes to ESG at the 3rd Athens ESG...
May 2023: Elite Member Award At ESOMAR 2023 Conference in Algarve After three days of enlightening experiences, learning about a variety of topics including the potential of AI in our methods, and the future of...
December 2022: Συνέντευξη Κώστα Σιγαλού στο The Total Business Ο Κώστας Σιγαλός, Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της Global Link, εξήγησε στο The Total Business τι κρύβεται πίσω από την πεποίθηση του...
December 2022: Η Global Link Στο 16ο Corporate Communication Conference 8η Έρευνα CorpCom: “DON’T STOP BELIEVING” Ο Δημήτρης Σιγαλός, Development Director της Global Link, παρουσίασε στο 16ο...
November 2022: Presentation At Greek Institute of Customer Service We are happy to had the opportunity to present to the GREEK INSTITUTE OF CUSTOMER SERVICE, to a distinguished audience representing key...
October 2022: Αρθρο Για Τις Επιπτώσεις Των Ανατιμήσεων Το newmoney.gr φιλοξένησε το άρθρο του Δημήτρη Σιγαλού, Development Director της Global Link σχετικά με τις επιπτώσεις των ανατιμήσεων...
October 2022: GLOBAL LINK ANNUAL EVENT- CONSUMERS IN TURMOIL: PERCEPTIONS VS REALITY The autumn back-to-business party of Global Link was combined with a presentation of an innovative holistic research project on consumer sentiment...
September 2022: GLOBAL LINK AT THE ESOMAR CONGRESS The world’s largest Marketing Research summit is convening in Toronto. This year the four-day event looks into the future and asks “What if…?”:
August 2022: Interview in Capital/ Forbes Magazine About Organisations' ESG Policies Compliance with ESG principles is a key condition for an organisation to ever secure funding in the near future. In accordance with Global Link's...
July 2022: Research Study Published in Marketing Week on Marketing Technology H Global Link σε συνεργασία με το περιοδικό Marketing Week διεξήγαγε έρευνα μεταξύ στελεχών marketing, για τις...
JUNE 2022: MYSTERY SHOPPING PROFESSIONALS ASSOCIATION - ANNUAL CONFERENCE IN VARNA Mystery Shopping is a dynamic and interactive partner in dealing with key business issues. The two-day conference theme was: •...
MAY 2022: GLOBAL LINK AT THE GREEK EXCELENCE AWARDS 2022 Global Link’s CEO Costantine Sigalos as a board member of the HELLENIC INSTITUTE OF CUSTOMER SERVICE had the pleasure and honour to present this...