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Who we are

We are a team of multi skilled experts, who have accumulated the essential and extensive experience  required in order to analyze, synthesize and integrate the dynamics of business problems, into decision making recommendations.

Get in touch

Why Global Link

We feel confident that we can approach any business problem in a unique way


  • we have the experience of 1,500+ research projects spanning over 30+ years
  • we strictly adhere to professionalism by continually seeking and applying new methods and tools
  • we invest in extensive desk research to understand all aspects of a business problem before tackling it
  • we combine holistic thinking with focusing on the business drivers and the key success factors in solving problems and exploiting opportunities.
  • we offer solutions not results
  • we deliver cost effectively in tight schedules
  • we are fun to work with


  • 1989

    Foundation of the company

  • 1994

    Brand Equity Monitor Launch

  • 1997

    ADD+ IMPACT Launch: Advertising Pre Testing

  • 1998

    Introduction of Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing

  • 2000

    Advertising Pretesting Conference

  • 2003

    First Advertising Pretesting Workshop

  • 2005


  • 2008

    First Mystery Shopping Conference

  • 2011

    Introduction of Eye- Tracking Research

  • 2017

    Mystery Shopping Professional Association Elite Member Award

  • 2018

    Customer Satisfaction and Mystery Shopping Workshop

  • 2019

    Development of 'Revelation Board qualitative tool

  • 2020

    Implementation of high quality ONLINE - DIGITAL research methods

Our values

We challenge conventional wisdom and our values encourage us to take controlled risks in order to deliver better value to our clients. Our aim is to obtain the most value out of every project and bring them closer to the fundamental and current client need. We do not only research but also practice high customer satisfaction. 

We believe in:

Integrity as a cornerstone of building long lasting relationships

Curiosity that keeps us at the upfront of scientific and best practices in research

Our People's ability and obligation to develop constantly their abilities and skills

Our team

Constantine Sigalos

Constantine Sigalos

Managing Director

Constantine Sigalos after graduating from Athens College studied Economics (B.Sc.) and Marketing (MBA) at the City University – Cass Business School.  He began his career as a brand manager with P&G (UK) and then moved into market research in multinational agencies in London and in Athens. 

His driving force is fueled by his motto: delivering high quality cost-effective business results and building long term partnerships with clients. Integral to the success of Global link is Constantine’s focus on creating an inspirational company philosophy and working environment.

On a typical day you will find Constantine at 06:00 in the office, 08:00 at the gym, after hours enjoying a glass of wine with friends or clients in Global Link’s garden and all hours in between, immersed ‘hands on’ alongside his team.

Managing Director

Ilias Skordas

Ilias Skordas

Quantitative Director

A real customer oriented guy: with a permanent high level of motivation and energy, he is always looking for how to satisfy his customers’ requirements. He has significant experience in developing, launching and managing quantitative research projects across a wide range of different channels and methodologies.  

Ilias loves training in the gym and playing soccer and tennis.

And a solid belief: ‘I’m strong and life will never get me down, because the harder I fall, the higher I bounce’

Quantitative Director

George Kouridakis

George Kouridakis

Customer Experience Director

When the idiom “sky’s the limit” was created, they had George in mind for sure! Confident, results oriented and optimistic, George tackles any research, technological or business challenge.

At Global Link since 1996, his professional development was parallel to the growth of the company, George leads the integral department of Mystery shopping and customer experience.

He holds a degree in Marketing and has also taught post graduate level statistical analysis, market research and SPSS in both private and public academic institutions.

George enjoys a good game of basketball with friends, vacationing in his homeland island of Crete or walking furry Milou with his beautiful daughter.

Customer Experience Director

Dimitris Sigalos

Dimitris Sigalos

Development Director

Loud persistent and fun to work with. These were the top (positive) results that came up when in my fellow post grad students were ask to name 3 adjectives that describe me. There were also a few negative ones which I have since forgotten.

Having worked in the industry for 5 years my interest, drive and excitement keep growing every day I come to office. I am always fascinated in analysing survey results, drawing conclusions, and making recommendations.


Development Director

Selini Papanelopoulou

Selini Papanelopoulou

Qualitative Research Consultant

Selini is an Insights Consultant with 8 years’ experience working in insights and strategy. She specializes in leading mix-methodology projects including focus groups, online communities, in-depth interviews, deliberative and co-creative workshops and ethnography. She is an expert in interviewing a range of different audiences including high net worth individuals, industry experts, business leaders, internal stakeholders, MPs, teenagers, vulnerable audiences, HCPs and patients.

Selini is highly experienced in multi-country research, having coordinated projects in the EU, UK, US, South America, Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Qualitative Research Consultant

Giannis Kehagias

Giannis Kehagias

Strategic Consultant

John blends business management, consulting and academic experience to consult GL on methodological approaches that reflect our motto, “Complexity made simple”. His favorite words are analysis, synthesis and iterative motion

Research methodology is like cycling, he says,  it looks repetitive, but every moment is different as the terrain slopes and the curves change. Resilience, speed and balancing are the skills to develop.

Strategic Consultant

Amalia Tsitsirigou

Amalia Tsitsirigou

Fieldwork Manager


After 19 years on board the team, Amalia exhibits excellent project management, a strong ability to prioritize, excellent organizational and communication skills, and detail oriented to the point of driving the rest of us crazy!

Yet its these qualities that makes her an invaluable Field Manager.

A passionate extrovert when dancing Zumba and traditional folk dancing, advocating as a PTA member or creating life adventures for her family, in the office, Amalia is calm and collected when coordinating and driving the quantitative teams forward.


Fieldwork Manager

Maria Roumelioti

Maria Roumelioti

Office Manager

Maria is the longest serving member of the team. She joined Global Link in 1992 initially as a secretary and worked her way up now being the Office Manager.

Although nick named “Mrs. Merkel” because of her punctuality, Maria is probably the most popular member of the team as she tackles all everyday unexpected issues, including timely payments in difficult times like the capital controls period.

She is the mother of two sons who while studying in University, are also beach volley champions!


Office Manager

Niki Stremmenou

Niki Stremmenou

Mystery Shopping Coordinator

Everyone would agree that Niki is a talented and positive force of the team!

A dedicated Field Supervisor for over 10 years, she definitely gets the job done through effective communication, analytical, listening and researcher coordination skills, always with a genuine smile.

When she is not crafting, baking, painting, entertaining or organizing her 3 young children demanding schedules, she is always curious to try out new endeavors. As Niki claims “you’ll never know if you will succeed if you never try”

Mystery Shopping Coordinator

Tassos Deftereos

Tassos Deftereos

IT Supervisor

Tassos is quick to take on a difficult challenge. We don’t call him a ‘tech freak’ but our problem solver and he upholds the title well after 15 years’ experience of Survey Scripting. While the rest of us are often in an IT dilemma, Tassos displays calming patience and discipline.

When not found tackling intriguing board games and puzzles, on long walks or swims, Tassos is managing the wide spectrum of CAWI, CATI and CAPI projects, maximizing the quality of Global Links technological capacity.  


IT Supervisor

Eleni Kontonikoli

Eleni Kontonikoli

Executive Secretary

The fundamental value Eleni brings to the company for over 20 years, is being “the glue” that holds everything together, balancing the company team dynamics, work flow and ensuring the design of creative research presentations.

Eleni has been working in market research as PA with diligence and passion. How she manages her multiple responsibilities while an unfaltering, dedicated and hands on mom to two very active and athletic daughters is still a mystery. She holds a degree in secretarial studies from St. George Commercial College.


Executive Secretary

Xristina Xatzimitakou

Xristina Xatzimitakou

Media Audit Executive

Media Audit Executive

Eftixia Daravela

Eftixia Daravela

Media Audit Executive

Eftihia holds degrees in law and human resource management. Nevertheless, she never ceases to participate in multiple training seminars to expand her professional horizon.

Her trademark congeniality, patience and sweet smile should never distract from Eftihias exceptional research skill, demands of her team and high-level performance within the department of media measurement surveys.

Her love of Pilates helps maintain an inner ZEN philosophy which brings balance to the high intensity role at Global since 2015.


Media Audit Executive

Chrysa Tsirimokou

Chrysa Tsirimokou

Qualitative Research Executive

Chrysa is the newest member of the qualitative research team. She holds a PhD in emotionally intelligent management and is now setting the basis of her future career, aspiring to implement the psycho-management insights and experience she gained from her academic years. In the past, she participated in various research projects and seminars as a researcher and coordinator. Driven by her enthusiasm to help, she used to volunteer as a teaching assistant and a mentoring consultant.

Qualitative Research Executive

Maria Spanou

Maria Spanou

Customer Experience Executive

Maria is a new member of Media Audit executive and executive in the OASA  team she is very happy to work with remarkable people. She has studied computer science she has worked in Sales, in a banking group and as an educator in the field of information technology and technology .

 She is characterized by persistence and will to learn  she likes to work in a group as she believes that this way the goals are achieved in her spare time she loves travelling ,the gym and the theater as she was a member of theater group

Customer Experience Executive

Elena Tigka

Elena Tigka

Insights Assistant

Elena is the newest and youngest member of the team, in which she joined right after her Master degree graduation. Her academic background includes Cyberpsychology, Communication and Media studies and Sociology and her interests focus on digital media, qualitive research, media psychology and emotional attachment. Her work experience includes working in media and communication sector. In her free time, she enjoys going to the cinema, binging tv shows and going out with friends.

Insights Assistant


How can we help?

Feel free to contact us any time. We will get back to you as soon as we can.
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